Concepts, design and implementation of Reverse Logistics Systems for Sustainable Supply Chains in Brazil


There is growing social pressure for organizations to reduce their rates of consumption ofnonrenewable natural resources and in parallel, to also reduce the release of post-production and postconsumptionwaste to landfills, water bodies and air, thereby causing damage to the environment. Torespond to the pressure it is necessary that organizations' operations prioritize the "3R" goals: Reduce,Reuse and Recycle.In this context, the so called reverse logistics flows have grown in importance in the study of supplychains. Examples are the components and materials that are collected after they are consumed or used.Instead of being sent to the landfill companies use reverse logistics to transport them back in supplychains to be reused or, recycled and reincorporated as secondary input material for new production.This article aims, through the review of related legislation in Brazil, relevant literature and a numberof Brazilian and international case studies to develop a basic framework to be used in the developmentand implementation of reverse logistics systems (RLS).DOI: 10.12660/joscmv6n1p1-25URL:

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