Levels of attitudes toward environment and environmental awareness of students in international baccalaureate diploma program and students in national programUluslararasi bakalorya diploma programi ve ulusal programda ögrenim gören ögrencilerin çevreye yönelik tutum ve çevre farkindalik düzeyleri


This research will be covering the comparison of TED Ankara College IB and national program students’ attitudes toward environment, and their their levels of awarness in terms of this subject. The research also covers the variable of gender in comparison of levels of awarness and attitude toward environment between the students who are taking the IBDP ‘’ESS’’ course and who aren’t. The statistics in the research is obtained by ‘’Attitude toward environment scale’’ and ‘’Environmental awarness scale’’. The scales and the research had been done on 25 students from IBDP Turkish-Mathematics track, 45 students from IBDP Math-Science track and 39 students from the national program. The 109 students who had taken part in the research consists of 57 female and 52 male students. The findings of the survey show that there is a significant relation between students' attitudes toward environment and environmental awareness levels and gender, but there is not a significant difference of students’ attitudes toward environment and environmental awareness levels when the track and program variables are taken into consideration. Results also show that there is a linear correlation between the attitude toward environment and environmental awareness levels of both students in IBDP taking the "Environmental Systems and Societies" course and the students taking the national program curriculum. Findings put forth in the study are important for mirroring the levels of attitudes toward environment and environmental awareness levels of students who are taking an intensive environmental education in an international programme and of students who are taking environmental education in biology curriculum of the national programme. In the light of the findings of the investigation, importance of expert advice in the process of preparing curriculum about the environmental education and encouraging students to actively participate in the activities about environment is highlighted. ÖzetBu arastirma, TED Ankara Koleji Vakfi Özel Lisesi’nde uygulanan Uluslararasi Bakalorya Diploma Programi ve ulusal programda ögrenim gören ögrencilerin çevreye yönelik tutum ve çevre farkindalik düzeylerinin karsilastirilmasini amaçlamaktadir. Arastirmada ayrica cinsiyet degiskenine göre ve UBDP’de “Çevre Sistemleri” dersi alan ve almayan ögrencilerin de çevreye yönelik tutum ve çevre farkindalik düzeylerinin karsilastirilmasi amaçlanmistir. Arastirmada sunulan veriler, “Çevre Tutum Ölçegi” ve “Çevre Farkindalik Ölçegi”nden elde edilmistir. Ölçekler, TED Ankara Koleji’nde ögrenim gören UBDP Matematik- Fen alanindaki 45 ögrenciye, UBDP Türkçe-Matematik alanindaki 25 ögrenciye ve ulusal programdaki 39 ögrenciye uygulanmistir. Arastirmaya katilan 109 ögrencinin 57’si kiz, 52’si erkektir.  Arastirmanin bulgulari, ögrencilerin çevreye yönelik tutum ve farkindalik düzeyleri ile cinsiyetleri arasinda anlamli bir iliski oldugunu, fakat ögrencilerin çevreye yönelik tutum ve farkindalik düzeylerinde alan ve program degiskeni göz önünde tutuldugunda anlamli bir farklilik olmadigini ortaya koymustur. Bulgular ayrica UBDP’inda “Çevre Sistemleri” dersi alan ve ulusal program ögrencilerinin çevreye yönelik tutum ve çevre farkindalik düzeyleri arasinda anlamli lineer bir iliski oldugunu göstermistir. Çalismada ortaya konulan bulgular, uluslararasi bir programda yogun bir sekilde çevre egitimi ile ilgili ders alan ögrencilerle ulusal biyoloji ögretim programi dahilinde çevre egitimi gören ögrencilerin çevreye yönelik tutumlari ve çevre farkindalik düzeylerini yansitmasi açisindan önem tasimaktadir. Arastirmanin bulgulari isiginda çevre egitimi programlari hazirlanirken uzman görüslerine basvurulmasinin ve çevre ile ilgili aktivitelere ögrencilerin aktif katilimlarinin önemine dikkat çekilmektedir.

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