This research was to answer some problems: (1) how much is gluten and casein free diet given for autistic children in the Malang city, (2) how is hyperactive behavior of the autistic children in the Malang city, (3) is there any relationship between gluten and casein free diet and the hyperactivity behavior of autistic children in the Malang city. The results of the correlation analysis is sample k quadratic kai because the = , so, H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. It could be concluded that there is no positive relationship between gluten and casein free diet and hyperactive behavior of autistic children. If the parents are applying gluten and casein free diet, it would not affect the hyperactive behavior of autistic children. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab masalah-masalah seperti: (1) berapa banyak gluten dan kasein diet bebas diberikan untuk anak-anak autis di kota Malang, (2) bagaimana perilaku hiperaktif pada anak-anak autis di kota Malang, (3) apakah ada hubungan antara gluten dan kasein diet bebas dan hiperaktivitas bevavior dari anak-anak autis di kota Malang. Hasil analisis korelasi sampel k kuadrat kai karena x_0 ^ 2 = 4,04 = x_ (0,05 (2)) ^ 2 = 5.991, sehingga, H0 diterima dan H1 ditolak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan positif antara gluten dan kasein diet bebas dan perilaku hiperaktif anak-anak autis. Jika orang tua itu menerapkan gluten dan kasein diet bebas, itu tidak akan mempengaruhi perilaku hiperaktif anak-anak autis