The effect of contextualizing strategy on vocabulary learning in teaching Turkish language to foreignersYabancilara Türkçe ögretiminde baglamlastirma stratejisinin sözcük ögrenimine etkisi


This study aims to determine the effect of contextualizing strategy on vocabulary learning in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. An experimental design was used with pretest-posttest control group. The research participants were 38 foreign students learning Turkish as a foreign language at the A2 level. A vocabulary test with 20 words taught at a higher level and comprising both noun and verb roots was used as a data collection tool. Following the pretest, the data collection tool words were taught to the experimental group by contextualizing them, and taught to the control group without contextualization. The vocabulary test was administered once more following the procedure. According to the posttest comparisons, the contextualizing strategy positively affected vocabulary learning and was statistically significant. Additionally, research results showed that nouns were learned better than verbs using contextualizing strategy. ÖzetBu arastirmanin amaci, Türkçenin yabanci dil olarak ögretiminde baglamlastirma stratejisinin sözcük ögrenimindeki etkisini saptamaktir. Öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu deneysel desende yürütülen arastirmanin katilimcilarini Türkçeyi yabanci dil olarak ögrenen A2 düzeyindeki 38 yabanci uyruklu ögrenci olusturmustur. Veri toplama araci olarak bir üst düzeyde ögretilen ad ve eylem kökenli 20 sözcükten olusan sözcük testi kullanilmistir. Yapilan öntestten sonra veri toplama aracinda bulunan sözcükler deney grubuna baglam içinde, kontrol grubuna baglam kullanilmadan ögretilmistir. Islem sonrasinda sözcük testi yeniden uygulanmistir. Sontest karsilastirmalari sonucunda baglamlastirma stratejisinin sözcük ögrenimini olumlu yönde ve istatistiksel olarak anlamli düzeyde etkiledigi saptanmistir. Arastirma sonuçlari, ayrica baglam içinde adlarin eylemlerden daha iyi ögrenildigini de ortaya koymustur.

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