The concept of secret in Anatolian Alewism Anadolu Aleviligi’nde sir kavrami


Groups embracing ideas that do not conform to the ideas prevalent in the society, may choose to keep some of their views secret from the rest of the society in order to avoid outside pressure. Alawites in the Islamic world have developed a similar reflex both to protect themselves from outside pressure and to maintain discipline within their own group. This paper tackles the notion of secret based on a passage found in the introduction of a Futuwwat Namah we came across in the Futuwwat Namah collection Number 8602 in the National Library Manuscripts Collection. The passage tells about how the Prophet disclosed to Ali some of the secrets he received during his dialogue with God in the Night of Ascension. Protecting this secret was deemed very important and although the nature of the secret is not to be found in any written or oral source, measures were taken to protect it from non-Alawites and penalties were set for those would reveal it. In this paper, the passage in question is transliterated in Modern Turkish Alphabet and presented to the reader. Also, there is a discussion of the nature of this secret and what this secret could be in the light of written Alawite sources namely Buyruks of Imam Jafar and Sheikh Safi and some modern works.Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetToplumun genel düsüncesi disinda fikirlere sahip olan gruplar disaridan gelebilecek baskilara maruz kalmamak için görüslerinden en azindan bazilarini toplumun diger bireylerinden gizleme yoluna gitmislerdir. Islam dünyasinin içinde yer alan Aleviler hem kendilerini dis baskilardan koruyabilmek hem de kendi grup disiplinlerini saglayabilmek adina bu yönde refleks gelistirmislerdir. Iste bu arastirma, Milli Kütüphane Yazmalari arasinda 8602 numarali Fütüvvetname Mecmuasi’nda yer alan bir fütüvvetnamenin bas kismindaki Hz. Peygamber’in Miraç’ta Tanri ile konusmalarindan bir kismini Hz. Ali’ye sir olarak verilmesini anlatan bölümden hareketle Alevilikteki sir kavrami üzerinde durmaktadir. Baskalarindan gizlenmesine büyük önem verilen sirrin mahiyeti ne sözlü ne de yazili kaynaklarda yer almamasina ragmen, Alevi olmayanlardan bunlarin korunmasi hususunda bazi tedbirler alinmis, hatta sirri açiklayanlar için bazi cezalar öngörülmüstür. Burada hem bahsedilen kisim Türkçeye aktarilarak okuyucuya sunulmus hem de Aleviligin yazili kaynaklari olan Imam Cafer ve Seyh Safi Buyruklari basta olmak üzere modern çalismalar isiginda sirrin mahiyeti tartisilmistir.


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