The love moaning of a poet: the vocabulary of the letters written by Ahmed Arif to Leyla ErbilBir sairin ask iniltileri: Ahmed Arif’ten Leyla Erbil’e mektuplarin söz varligi


Ahmed Arif, who is one of the Sociable Poets of the 1940s, wrote about the topics in his works in a romantic style. The enthusiasm and the romance in his works separates him from other poets of the era. Although he wrote only one poetry book, his poems such as Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim, Haberin Var mi? (Içerde), Terketmedi Sevdan Beni became famous and were composed and sung by famous singers of Turkey like Funda Arar, Ahmet Kaya, Suavi, Edip Akbayram, Cem Karaca. These events made him become a famous poet not only in a narrow society who had similar thoughts, but also all over Turkey. There are many sources for the lyricism and romance that gave him this fame. However, the most important share among these many sources belongs to his love for Leyla Erbil. He did not limit his love with poems and he conveyed his love for Leyla Erbil in the letters he wrote, most of which were written between the years 1954-1959, and the last of which was written in 1977. In his poems, Ahmed Arif told his love, his environment, the intellectual world of the era, his exiles and the challenges he had experienced. All these reasons make the verbal existence of the Letters from Ahmed Arif to Leyla Erbil important. For this reason, in this study, the letters are examined in terms of verbal existence and the words in his works are classified under titles such as Basic Word Existence, Proverbs, Phrases, Terms, Verbal Structures, Reduplications, Slang and Expletives, Sayings specific to Diyarbakir, etc. and the concept areas are defined. As a result of this, it has been determined that Ahmed Arif was infatuated with Leyla Erbil, he even placed her in the very center of his personal life, sometimes he deified her, and defined her as “My lady, my friend, by sister, my daughter, my god, my messenger”. Moreover, it was also observed that the local sayings, phrases, and especially slang and expletives have important places in Ahmed Arif’s vocabulary. Özet1940 Kusagi Toplumcu Sairleri arasinda yer alan Ahmed Arif, eserlerinde dile getirdigi konulari romantik bir söylemle dile getirmistir. Bu romantik söylemin ve siirlerindeki cosku, onu döneminin diger sairlerinden ayirir. Bir tek siir kitabi olmasina ragmen, Hasretinden Parangalar Eskittim, Haberin Var mi? (Içerde), Terketmedi Sevdan Beni gibi siirleri dilden dile dolasmis ve bestelenerek Funda Arar, Ahmet Kaya, Suavi, Edip Akbayram, Cem Karaca gibi Türkiye’nin ünlü sanatçilari tarafindan seslendirilmistir. Böylece sair sadece kendisiyle benzer düsüncelere sahip dar bir çevrede degil, bütün Türkiye’nin tanidigi bir sahsiyet olmustur. Ona bu ünü saglayan lirizmin ve romantizmin pek çok kaynagi vardir. Ancak bu kaynaklar arasinda en önemli pay, Leyla Erbil’e duydugu asktir. Hatta o, bu askini sadece siirlerle sinirlandirmamis, çogunlugunu 1954-1959 yillari arasinda yazdigi, sonuncusunu ise 1977’de Leyla Erbil’e gönderdigi mektuplara da dökmüstür. Ahmed Arif, bu mektuplarda sadece askini degil, ayni zamanda yasadigi ortami, dönemin entelektüel dünyasini, sürgünlerini, karsilastigi zorluklari da anlatmistir. Bu yüzden Ahmed Arif’ten Leyla Erbil’e Mektuplari’n söz varligi önemlidir. Bunun için bu çalismada adi geçen mektuplar, söz varligi bakimindan incelenmis ve eserlerin içerigindeki sözler; temel söz varligi, deyimler, terimler, kalip sözler, ikilemeler, argo ve küfürler, Diyarbakir yöresine ait söylemler vb. biçiminde tasnif edilmis. Bunun neticesinde ise, Ahmed Arif’in Leyla Erbil’e büyük bir tutku ile baglandigi, hatta onu hayatinin merkezine yerlestirdigi, bazen de yer yer tanrilastirdigi ve “hanimim, dostum, kardesim, kizim, peygamberim, Tanrim” ibareleriyle tanimladigi görülmüstür. Ayrica Ahmed Arif’in söz varliginda yerel sözlerin, deyimlerin, özellikle de argo ve küfürlerin önemli bir yer tuttugu da tespit edilmistir.

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