????????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????? ????????????? = Violation of the total cellular immunity in patients with different types of endocervicosis


Selskyy P. R., Furdela M. Ya., Selskyy B. P. ????????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????? ????????????? = Violation of the total cellular immunity in patients with different types of endocervicosis. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):31-38. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.03.2016. Revised 20.03.2016. Accepted: 05.04.2016.  ????????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????? ????????????? ?. ?. ?????????, ?. ?. ???????, ?. ?. ?????????  ??????????????? ?????? ??????? ????????? “????????????? ??????????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????? ?.?. ????????????? ??? ???????”, ?????????, ??????? ??????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? 51 ??????? ? ??????????????. ? ?????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ? ??????????????, ?????? – ?????? ? ??????? ?????????????? (31,4 %), ? ?????? (37,2 %) – ? ?????????? ??????????????, ? ????????? ?????? (31,4 %) ?????????? ?????? ? ??????????????? ??????????????.?????? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????????? ??????? ? ????????? ?????????? CD3, CD4, CD8 ? CD19.?????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ????????????? ?????? ? ?????????????? ?????????? ?? ??????????. ? ??????? ? ?????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ??????????. ??????? ??????? 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R. Selskyy, M. Ya. Furdela, B. P. Selskyy  State Institution of Higher Education “I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” SummaryImmunomorphological investigation of 51 patients with endocervicosis was carried out. The first group included patients with endocervicosis, the second group contained women with simple endocervicosis (31,4 %), the third (37,2 %) – patients with healing endocervicosis, and the fourth group (31,4 %) women had progressive endocervicosis.The analysis of cellular  immunity was done with the help of monoclonal antibodies to antigens of CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD19 lymphocytes.The content of most blood lymphocytes phenotypes in examined women with endocervicosis was different from the normal. Patients with endocervicosis showed a significant inhibition of cell immunity. The average level of CD3-lymphocytes was  46,0±0,7 % compared to 64,5±2,8 % in the control group (p<0,05). The average level of CD4-lymphocyte count was also significantly reduced –  30,2±0,3 % compared to 44,2±2,6 % in the group of healthy women (p<0,05), and the average content of CD8-lymphocytes was lower (15,0±1,0 %) against control group (22,9±2,0 %) with p<0,05.There has been a decline in the ratio of ?h/Ts (immunoregulatory index CD4/CD8 was 1,9±0,1 compared to 2,3±0,1 in the women of the control group), as well as in the level of CD16-lymphocytes (natural killer cells) – 10,0±0,3 % vs 14,5±1,9 % in the control group (p<0,05).Changes in the relative number of T cells strongly correlated with the degree of endocervicosis development (r = - 0,94).Our research showed profound disruption of immunological homeostasis in patients with  endocervicosis, and this disruption was manifested by T lymphopenia, reduced levels of natural killer cells, imbalance of T-cells subpopulations, mainly due to the decrease in circulating T helper/inducer cells, which led to a decrease in CD4/CD8 ratio and evidence of the formation of secondary immune deficiency, following the immunosuppressive scenario.The study of cellular immunity in patients with endocervicosis revealed a clear correlation between the degree of immune disorders and types of endocervicosis. The most  significant changes were observed in case of progressive endocervicosis, while the majority of immune parameters were within normal limits in case of healing endocervicosis. The percentage of patients with immunosuppressive scenario of secondary immunodeficiency in patients with progressive and ongoing endocervicosis tended to increase compared with the group of examinees with healing endocervicosis. The patients with healing endocervicosis experienced hyposuppressive scenario of secondary immune deficiency, while in case of the ongoing and progressive endocervicosis this scenario was not observed.To summarize current research, we can make the conclusion about the significant  influence of the disruption of the cellular immunity on the endocervicosis progress.Keywords: cervix, precancerous diseases, cellular immunity, lymphocyte populations, the immune regulatory index, immunologic failure, progression endocervicosis.

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