Penyebab Mortalitas Lansia Selama Masa Perawatan Rumah Sakit COVID-19: A Systematic Review


Background: The first case of COVID-19 was first reported in China in December 2019 and spread rapidly to various countries. On July 13, 2020, COVID-19 was officially declared a world pandemic by the WHO. COVID-19 affects more than 210 countries in the world and kills millions of people with 21% of deaths occurring in the elderly. Objective: To describe the risk factors and causes of elderly mortality during the period of treatment or quarantine in the hospital by COVID-19. Methods: The database used as a reference, among others, is Scopus, PubMed and Science Direct, which is limited to publications in the last 2 years from 2020 to 2021, full text articles selected in English. Meanwhile, the keywords used in the article search are "COVID-19" AND "elderly clinical of SARS-CoV-2" AND "pandemic mortality". This systematic review used 5 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Results: Risk factors or causes of elderly mortality during COVID-19 hospital treatment include chormobid such as dementia, respiratory disorders such as asthma, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease and hypertension. Conclusions: Various non-communicable diseases that accompany COVID-19 will be a risk factor and even a leading cause of death in the elderly during hospital treatment.Keywords: COVID-19; elderly clinical of SARS-CoV-2; pandemic mortality

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