Analyzing Main Topics Regarding The Electronic Information and Transaction Act in Instagram Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

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This research is motivated by the interest of researcherto find out how the personality of the main characterscontained in the trilogy of novel Negeri 5 Menara, Ranah 3 Warna, Rantau 1 Muara by Ahmad Fuadi with literature psychology study. This research ... see more

Gita Rahayu, Edyanus Herman Halim, Kamaliah Kamaliah | Pages 683 – 693    

The information that is often needed by investors is about the company's ability to generate profits which is calculated using the profitability ratio. profitability is the most important determinant of profitability because the main indicator of a compa... see more

Asmaul Saleh 10.26858/eltww.v10i1.49094 Views : 0 times    

In response to the significant upheaval caused by the global pandemic, education systems worldwide have shifted from traditional classroom settings to remote teaching methods. This drastic transition has presented numerous challenges, particularly in the... see more


International Conference on Mosque Architecture    

As one of the earliest mosques in China, the Great Mosque of Xi’an (also known as the Huajuexiang Mosque) was built in 742 AD and has undergone multiple reconstructions. It is an active place of worship for local Muslims while serving as a popular touris... see more

José Fernández-Castillo,Juan López-Asiain-Martínez,Alejandro Payán-de-Tejada-Alonso,Alfredo Sanz-Corma    

En los últimos años se ha confirmado, a través de multitud de estudios, la existencia de perjuicios graves en la salud de las personas derivados de una mala calidad del aire, lo que ha fomentado el interés en diferentes áreas para su mejora. Previamente,... see more